Durham, Raleigh, rainstorms, post-apocalyptic Altanta
Sorry, I know we're long overdue on this side of the JC blog-o-sphere. We have been eating well, as you know, but we've also been playing some excellent shows too!
In Durham, NC on Saturday night we played what was probably our best show of the tour thus far at the Pinhook. I don't think any of us had been to Durham before and what limited knowledge we had amounted to several combined viewings of Bull Durham. Well, for those of you, like us, who are unfamiliar with the Bull city, it's pretty nice. Like most southern cities, it's eerily empty at night but that didn't stop a loud and well-numbered crowd from coming out. The sound on stage was terrific and we gave a very loud, very energetic performance. Our hosts, the Huguenots played an excellent set as well, including an amazing cover of Tom Petty's "American Girl".
The next night took us just down the road to Raleigh, NC. We played at Slim's Downtown. It was a nice little place with a really cool layout and a super cool bartender. It was also the first venue that allowed us to smoke inside, which was a huge blast from the past for us Northerners. It definitely makes you smoke a whole lot more, and your clothes smell a whole lot worse. We played with Death to Details and Left Outlet. We'd known Betty from Death to Details since last time we played here so it was sweet to actually get to see her play live. Good, high energy guitar pop with a lefty drummer. Lefty drummers are always a trip to watch. Left Outlet were an entirely different trip altogether. I can't really describe their music. It's definitely something to be experienced in the flesh. You need to be immersed in the elaborate manifests of their aura to fully grasp what they are going for. Think Sid Barrett era Floyd meets Andrew WK meets Southern Gospel. Something like that. And that's not even the half of it. Our own set was right in there as one of the sweatiest. I think we're getting on a roll here, getting things really tight and making sure we can perform to the best of our abilities night after night.
Until the rains came...
Not sure if you've seen the front page of the New York Times, but rolling into Atlanta yesterday was like landing in a war zone. 72 hours of intense rains have caused severe flooding all over Georgia. We got to drive through a small lake on the way into town passed an overturned car.

Even Gladys Knight's Chicken and Waffles had closed due to the rain and given the way Sean from Small Reactions (our wonderful hosts in Atlanta) was talking we weren't really sure the show wouldn't even happen. But arriving at WonderRoot it was clear the that no one there was going to be deterred by any amount of rain. WonderRoot is kind of an arts collective/rehearsal space/venue/pottery studio/anything really. It's very cozy and comfortable, kind of a cross between something vaguely collegiate and something like camping. We played for an audience consisting almost entirely of members of the other bands, but they seemed to really like it despite some technical difficulties from Yoi's side of the stage. If you've ever wondered what a fried Orange amplifier smells like it's kind of a mix between plastic, soy sauce, and vaporized beer - the last ingredient making sense because Yoi spilled an entire cup of keg beer into his amp vent.
The verdict is still out on what exactly is going to happen to his amp, but he definitely did have a bit of good luck in choosing to blow his amp up here. The US headquarters of Orange Amplifiers is here in Atlanta. So I guess Yoi's amp is in the best possible hands.
This is definitely a long post so thanks for sticking with us! But there's no way I can wrap this up without a huge thank you to Sean from Small Reactions. His guitarist's basement was severely flooded so they couldn't even play last night and yet he still was generous enough to sacrifice his own room to give the JC a place to sleep. Not only that, he lent Yoi his bass head for our radio show tonight! And he has a great dane. Basically, the guy is awesome.

Well, we're heading over to Georgia Tech now to do our radio show for WREK 91.1. But before we go, enjoy this photo of Yoi in front of the US headquarters of Orange Amplifiers.
In Durham, NC on Saturday night we played what was probably our best show of the tour thus far at the Pinhook. I don't think any of us had been to Durham before and what limited knowledge we had amounted to several combined viewings of Bull Durham. Well, for those of you, like us, who are unfamiliar with the Bull city, it's pretty nice. Like most southern cities, it's eerily empty at night but that didn't stop a loud and well-numbered crowd from coming out. The sound on stage was terrific and we gave a very loud, very energetic performance. Our hosts, the Huguenots played an excellent set as well, including an amazing cover of Tom Petty's "American Girl".
The next night took us just down the road to Raleigh, NC. We played at Slim's Downtown. It was a nice little place with a really cool layout and a super cool bartender. It was also the first venue that allowed us to smoke inside, which was a huge blast from the past for us Northerners. It definitely makes you smoke a whole lot more, and your clothes smell a whole lot worse. We played with Death to Details and Left Outlet. We'd known Betty from Death to Details since last time we played here so it was sweet to actually get to see her play live. Good, high energy guitar pop with a lefty drummer. Lefty drummers are always a trip to watch. Left Outlet were an entirely different trip altogether. I can't really describe their music. It's definitely something to be experienced in the flesh. You need to be immersed in the elaborate manifests of their aura to fully grasp what they are going for. Think Sid Barrett era Floyd meets Andrew WK meets Southern Gospel. Something like that. And that's not even the half of it. Our own set was right in there as one of the sweatiest. I think we're getting on a roll here, getting things really tight and making sure we can perform to the best of our abilities night after night.
Until the rains came...
Not sure if you've seen the front page of the New York Times, but rolling into Atlanta yesterday was like landing in a war zone. 72 hours of intense rains have caused severe flooding all over Georgia. We got to drive through a small lake on the way into town passed an overturned car.

Even Gladys Knight's Chicken and Waffles had closed due to the rain and given the way Sean from Small Reactions (our wonderful hosts in Atlanta) was talking we weren't really sure the show wouldn't even happen. But arriving at WonderRoot it was clear the that no one there was going to be deterred by any amount of rain. WonderRoot is kind of an arts collective/rehearsal space/venue/pottery studio/anything really. It's very cozy and comfortable, kind of a cross between something vaguely collegiate and something like camping. We played for an audience consisting almost entirely of members of the other bands, but they seemed to really like it despite some technical difficulties from Yoi's side of the stage. If you've ever wondered what a fried Orange amplifier smells like it's kind of a mix between plastic, soy sauce, and vaporized beer - the last ingredient making sense because Yoi spilled an entire cup of keg beer into his amp vent.
The verdict is still out on what exactly is going to happen to his amp, but he definitely did have a bit of good luck in choosing to blow his amp up here. The US headquarters of Orange Amplifiers is here in Atlanta. So I guess Yoi's amp is in the best possible hands.
This is definitely a long post so thanks for sticking with us! But there's no way I can wrap this up without a huge thank you to Sean from Small Reactions. His guitarist's basement was severely flooded so they couldn't even play last night and yet he still was generous enough to sacrifice his own room to give the JC a place to sleep. Not only that, he lent Yoi his bass head for our radio show tonight! And he has a great dane. Basically, the guy is awesome.

Well, we're heading over to Georgia Tech now to do our radio show for WREK 91.1. But before we go, enjoy this photo of Yoi in front of the US headquarters of Orange Amplifiers.

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