Weekend Roundup - Northwestern, Quenchers, and the University of Southern Illinois
We spent an ungodly amount of time on the main drag driving across the Chicago Suburbs to our radio show at Northwestern, but it was worth it as our in-studio performance was solid. The room itself was a bit like an icebox, literally, it was freezing.

The session turned out great though and we were given red t-shirts with “Chicago’s Sound Experiment.” Thanks to Lori and everyone at WNUR!

Despite Quenchers’ diminutive stage, our Friday night show went over well. The room was near packed and the crowd was quite enthusiastic. We shared the stage with Raise High the Roof Beam, who will join us at our homecoming show at Cake Shop on Saturday, Oct. 3. Energetic does no begin to describe these guys; wildly kinetic is slightly more appropriate. They were almost exhausting to watch. The set climaxed with a barrage of paper airplanes launched from the stage – this prompted a dogfight of catastrophic proportions. Busted and trampled paper planes littered the linoleum after the audience departed.
RHTRB also invited us to an after-party around the corner. Will and Jeremiah played the dad-role and went home but Yoi and Gavin gladly accepted. Yoi had already taken advantage of one new fan’s homegrown mind expanders and was very chilaxed. He was a riot at the party, dropping full beers (those PBR cans are rather slippery). Gavin started up a blues jam and Yoi jumped on one of two drum sets – at 2 a.m. The neighbors seemed not to mind. It was such a good time that when Will called Yoi in the morning he had no clue where he was or how he got from the party to where he ended up sleeping.
On Saturday Jeremiah fly back to New York for a wedding, so the three of us who play stringed instruments decided to walk around Chicago after devouring an excellent breakfast at a family friend’s restaurant, Ina's. We were going to go to either the aquarium or the natural history museum, but admission was over $20 – that’s not feasible for a group of starving musicians. I mean, how are we supposed to buy beer if we wasted all our cash on looking at fish? Instead we wandered through Millennial Park, taking tons of touristy photos which you can look at here.
We stuffed ourselves on Geno’s East deep dish pizza (OK, maybe we’re not starving musicians) before bartering a 30-pack of Miller High Life for the use of Raise High the Roof Beam’s couches. The night turned into another great party as Yoi and Gavin set up dating profiles on OKCupid and took profile shots with of the Roof Beam member Thomas’ large collection of hats which you can check out here.
Later Will and Yoi performed a few acoustic tunes in preparation for our radio show in Carbondale, Illinois. We can’t thank the Roof Beam kids enough for their hospitality and general awesomeness.
In the morning, we hit the very straight road south for five and a half hours to Southern Illinois University, home of the Salukis (an Egyptian dog – there are many ancient Egypt references around Carbondale related to the town’s ability to prosper in droughts) and WIDB, where “And We Wake Up Slowly” is no. 4. During an enjoyable interview with music director Ben, Yoi and Will pulled out a Southern gothic version of “Antarctica” and Will delivered a remarkably precious solo version of “This Summer.”
Afterwards, for a change of pace, Will, Yoi and Gavin hit up a local bowling joint advertising $1.50 games. Will was the speed champion, breaking 20 mph several times, while Gavin consistently broke 100 (using light balls and averaging 12 mph). Yoi rolled 242 – his cumulative score over four games. After grabbing a nightcap at local dive PK’s, Dorian James invited us to stay at his bungalow with his sweetheart black lab, Achilles. Not only did Dorian offer us his bed, he made us an incredible breakfast of bacon, eggs and taters – forget Southern hospitality, the people of Illinois are saints.
Driving back up to Chicago on scenic (“Look – corn!) Rte. 57 for a special show at Heave Media before hitting the Elbow Room, the wind attempted to blow us into Ohio.

Yoi and Gavin picked up hot new kicks at a Nike outlet store.

And the group bought an early 80s Eddie Murphy comedy album on cassette. There was much rejoicing.