The Album
Hello Hello
So today Jere and I went and dropped off the masters of our album for manufacturing. A year of our lives spent recording, and a year before that spent writing, all distilled into 44 minutes of music and a fancy cardboard package. It didn't seem like a big deal at the time, but now it's 5am and I just got home from work and i'm tired and it seems pretty important. The thing is completely out of our hands. I've always wanted to make an album. I'm the sort of person who still buys CDs and vinyl and listens to them from start to finish. I guess that makes me old fashioned and also sentimental, but that's fine. I consider recorded albums to be a very special, important, and beautiful things -especially when they're good- but until now have failed to create one myself. Every band I have ever been in has only made EPs or singles. Actually, that's not true, my band in High School made a full album that I recorded on a 4 track cassette recorder called "Mile 71 Saves Christmas" (Mile 71 being the name of the band.) But that doesn't really count, so i'm still going to consider this one a landmark..
Anyway, what i'm trying to say is ... our album is called 'And We Wake Up Slowly, it'll be released on September 1st, and i'm pretty fond of it.
So today Jere and I went and dropped off the masters of our album for manufacturing. A year of our lives spent recording, and a year before that spent writing, all distilled into 44 minutes of music and a fancy cardboard package. It didn't seem like a big deal at the time, but now it's 5am and I just got home from work and i'm tired and it seems pretty important. The thing is completely out of our hands. I've always wanted to make an album. I'm the sort of person who still buys CDs and vinyl and listens to them from start to finish. I guess that makes me old fashioned and also sentimental, but that's fine. I consider recorded albums to be a very special, important, and beautiful things -especially when they're good- but until now have failed to create one myself. Every band I have ever been in has only made EPs or singles. Actually, that's not true, my band in High School made a full album that I recorded on a 4 track cassette recorder called "Mile 71 Saves Christmas" (Mile 71 being the name of the band.) But that doesn't really count, so i'm still going to consider this one a landmark..
Anyway, what i'm trying to say is ... our album is called 'And We Wake Up Slowly, it'll be released on September 1st, and i'm pretty fond of it.

Congratulations. This is a release I'm really looking forward to.
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